Once I read it, I had to own it

by Diedra Goddard
(Mariposa, CA)

I was a victim of domestic violence. I never understood why I continued to return to my abuser. When police were involved, I received informational pamphlets on domestic violence. I read them and threw them away. It wasn't until I read a post on a social media site written by a victim of abuse. I could have written it myself as everything she described was everything I had experienced. I was in a relationship with a narcissist. Once I realized that, the responsibility became mine. I could no longer be a victim of traumatic bonding. It was my choice, my responsibility and my emotional addiction. I pressed charges, he went to prison and I moved out of county. I have since been learning more about the brain and emotional addiction. I am currently writing a research paper about domestic violence, trauma bonding and victim outreach.

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