A start to discover myself

by Chan

I am now 15 years old and I had an experience of psychic awakening. I think it started with a hearing. I could hear sounds like ringings in my ears or conversations (sometimes internally in my own head,and most of the time it was like whispering or sometimes even a laugh).

I was about seven or eight years old when I started hearing ringings in my ears. I thought there's something wrong with my ears and whenever I tell my parents about that they didn't believe me. I felt weird sometimes and even confused.
And now as the years had passed,I found my hearing has developed. Unexplainable voices in my head and my name being called made me confuse and scared. But when I open up my mind,I found I became stronger than I thought.

Sometimes,we need to overcome our fears and try to find a better way. As for me,I'm trying my best to learn how to control my abilities.
Thanks you all!

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Love Your Reminder of Dropping the Fears
by: Anna

Thank you so much Chan for sharing your experiences with us, and I have gone through the same experiences as you shared. I've also had experiences lately of "sonic hearing" where I could hear a dog panting heavily beside me, but nothing was there. A moment later, I heard dogs in the far distance barking, then I realized that I must of picked up distant sounds as if they were so close to me. I absolutely agree with you, when we drop the fear, and see all that we are going through is expanding our abilities for our highest benefits.
Love Blessings,

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