Asking Questions
Finding Infinite Wisdom

I have found from many years of asking questions that it really comes down to two things, is the asking from the personality self or from the Infinite Source. This really does make things simpler but maybe not so easy as so many old programs of memories surfaces all the time.

When we ask from a neutral or peaceful state and bring our self to a clear channel Infinite Source can come through allowing the answer to come easier. You may find that you are unexpectedly referred to a book or a seminar or person, or even this website. In some way you were wondering or curious and it becomes answered or steers you in a flowing direction.

If you are on the expanding journey of evolving too and you must be because you are reading this. Just as the word has the meaning to be on a quest, as in the word quest-ion it will keep leading you to expand, evolve and grow.

If there is a something you'd like to ask me whether it's something you've read on my site or about psychic abilities or the nature of reality then you can by filling out the form below.

It is through asking that expands us into knowing more and evolving to using more and more of our potential. It is through asking that we come upon the wisdom through either experiences of our own or other’s experiences.

Answers to Questions

To read questions that have been asked throughout this website and my reply's click on this link questions and answers and it will take you to many great questions you may have wondered about too.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Do you have a question that I can help you get an answer for?

Do you have a question about creating your reality or psychic abilities or any question you have, you can ask it here!

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

I read we all have 33 Angels. these are Ascending Master, Guides and Teachers. Is this true or? With thanks, Kurt

Higher-self and Divine Intelligence 
Is our higher-self connected to Divine Intelligence? If so, how do we communicate with Divine Intelligence?

Physical symptoms,  
I have what feels like all this lose floppy cells in the back of my head and neck. It's very uncomfortable sometimes sore. I wonder how this Will work …

Is there a way for me to find my inner soul? I have a lot of pictures that encourage me that I look at everyday, but there is a difference between being …

astral projection? dreaming to different dimmensions? 
So I noticed a lot growing up that I would have this overwhelming anxiety or feeling of fear something right before dreaming occasionally and I would always …

so what make people want to drink?  
What make people want to drink?


how strong can the power of awareness of your physical body be? 
I did this meditation from a book where I was told to just focus my awareness on my middle finger and it will grow longer than your other hand. The first …

I feel lonely  
If i am creating my reality is anybody real? because when i change the way i think people around me change. I feel as i am creating all of my friends and …

I've noticed over the last few years depending on my emotions things around me fly off shelves or move when I walk by or if I'm in the other room or in …

How do i shift realities to a younger version of myself? 
Is it possible? I asked this before but it didn't come up on the page. If everything is possible then I should be able to Time Shift to a reality where …

Life is a Dream and You Create your Own Reality 
If you became so aware that everything you see in your reality is an illusion created within your own mind and every person is a mental projection within …

How can i know what the hallucinations i had mean when i was 6? 
I was terrified when I heard and saw it but it was 3 times the same thing once each night when everybody was in bed. First I heard my dad yell out my name …

Is this possible when shifting realities? 
What if I had a desired reality that I wanted to shift to where I was a younger version of myself back at the old house and I had powerful emotions of …

Quantum living  
Can you use quantum living to become physically immortal? If so how?

quantum change 
can you become immortal using quantum living and manifesting abilities. if so how would you do it?

quantum living question 
If i use quantum living and practice it. Is it possible to make myself immortal through quantum living? If so how would i go about practicing it? Also …

psychic experiences 
i know im supposed to post this on the page it talks about it but i have a couple questions i want to ask after my story. i was born to early and died …

Changing DNA  
My question is: is it possible to use your thoughts to change your Nero network and make a deep rooted connection? For example if I wanted to become physically …

activating immortal gene and deactivating death gene 
what are the steps to deactivating the death gene? And what are the steps to activating the immortal gene? please explain in detail. thank you.

Well intentioned vs Ill-intentioned 
Why do those who are ill intentioned and/or narcissistic (ie. Entertainers, politicians) "do well" in the material sense while those who do spiritual work, …

Does the psyche or conventional self evolve? 
According to many sages the body/mind/ego conventional self has no reality other than the illusion of self which is pretty remarkable. To such and I include …

Seeing things. 
Lately I have been seeing shadow like things. Sometimes they look like little creatures, like mice or even creatures as big as cats. Also non-creature …

Are some of us here from other stars or planets? 
Are some of us here from other stars or planets solely to assist all lifeforms on earth,to assend, including earth herself? And are they known as Earth …

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Staying married to my husband 
Am I making a mistake staying married to a man who had hurt me knowingly or unknowingly? Or should I start something new?

I experienced bliss for a week and a half and then the feeling went away. i seem to be more relaxed now. have a greater understanding of things and don't …

Past and future lives, controlling thoughts and the end of the world? 
Before I bombard you with questions I just want to say thankyou for all the advice you've given me and for putting up with all my questions =P You've really …

being everyone? 
I dunno if this counts because this question isn't about being psychic or telepathic or anything and I might just be weird or something but... lately …

Creating our own reality, karma and thoughts of disaster? 
I'm just trying to make sense of everything. So... we make our own reality? I've been having more psychic moments recently and they've been occurring …

hi ann love your website and cant wait to get your books, my question is this, i love the idea of alternate realities, that when we make a choice in this …

Controlling Psychic Abilities? 
Okay.. so I was wondering, I've been having weird psychic moments lately like, recently I was sitting and reading a book and for some reason I had a strange …

so if you have telekinesis and you are having a bad emotional brake down of a day will your mind not meaning to but accadentily break things and you …

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