
by Kurt Newman
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

I read we all have 33 Angels. these are Ascending Master, Guides and Teachers. Is this true or? With thanks, Kurt

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Beings from Many Different Dimensional Realities
by: Anna

Hi again Kurt, I feel there is no number on how many other beings are around that are around to help and guide us through whatever we are going through. Just as there are all kinds of individuals around in this 3D world, all from different levels of conscious awareness, and different beings that have evolved and have not.

I also came to a realization that truth is so relative to the individual. Though most of the world follows collective consciousness, many are breaking through many of the worlds ways and being guided to creating new truths that are more in alignment with new ideas, and new creative possibilities that will eventually change the collective consciousness.

We do seem to see and experience what we believe to be true. Ascended masters, saints etc... that have evolved will give us great profound guidance and help to help evolve 3D reality to more beneficial and creative ideas to create for this world to become more loving and helpful for everyone in all kinds of ways.
Love cheers, Anna

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