
by Just me

Hi everyone! I am a bit confused about these symptoms and awakening ones and opening crown chakra ones because they all feel the same. Right now I think I am in the middle of a very turbulent time. I feel really ill.

I woke up in pain every morning and yes, I've had experienced all these, so I refuse to go to the doctor because, I have my Guide and I am very grateful for that he has been so supportive. Sometimes I don't want to overwhelm him with a barrage of questions, he has a life and a work to run...

People often think that I am not mentally ok because I suddenly have anxiety or panic attacks and start crying for no reason. My headaches are unbearable sometimes and so are my muscles pain.

This was a bit of letting go what I am feeling and I appreciate at least there is a site where you can share these type of experiences without being considered mentally ill or suffering chronic fatigue "so I think you should see a doctor..." ugh. I don't want to bother my Guide all the time either. Thanks.

Comments for Confused...

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by: Anonymous

Hi Just Me,
I've stabilized my symptoms this summer (deep depression, feeling insane thoughts very close by; exhaustion; now something new as if new channels are opening in my head, tingling in my scalp and activity in my brain.) I am a hands on healer and have been practising for 20 years so I'm not easily thrown.
I knew to take B complex vitamins and B12 to stabilize my nervous system. They worked to a large degree but it wasn't till I got an excellent broad spectrum probiotic (from Dr. Mercola) and made home made yogourt from it that things really stabilized. I now make my own kefir, yogourt and eat unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchi every day. The book Brain Maker will give you all the details but a healthy gut is so important to a healthy brain. While going through all this, we have to take excellent care of our physical bodies. I feel that eating these pure, alive foods is another way of introducing light into the body. It has helped enormously. All anxiety and depression left within one week of starting the probiotic foods. Good luck!

by: Just me

Thanks a lot Anna! Love and peace :)

Turbulant Times
by: Anna

Hello, and thanks for sharing your experiences. So many of us, everyone I seem to encounter are going through many similarities, and it's great that you are turning to your guide too.

I have found it to be most important to relax with deep breaths as much as possible and create it to be a habit so that the body is mostly in a relaxed state as much as possible. This is the most beneficial for our body and mind as this keeps our body's ability to function in the most harmonious ways as it adjusts to all the changes.

Relaxing with deep breaths also releases old emotional build in the body's cellular memory, which seems to be the causes of many of the changing symptoms we experience. Relaxing with deep breathing also has an amazing benefit in easing the anxiety, pain and discomfort and also keeps the blood flowing harmoniously to all parts of the body.

We are in the process of releasing and transforming fear into love and trust and a big reason it's so turbulent. Positive self talk or and affirmations also are a great benefit to add to the relaxing too. This will greatly help while going through the changes and it will get better and better through the process.
Love and light, Anna

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