Eye's activated me

by Mark

Hi Everyone,

Can anybody please help me? My mind is racing in overdrive with the event that happened to me two years ago.

I was forced to move near to work and walked into the venue next door once I had moved to relax. I never go there normally. I had spent a year feeling suicidal and was sitting in the place thinking I had had enough (the move took everything from me)

A woman sitting in front of me stands and turns and I see her eyes. This is what happened, has taken me two years to find out just what did….

My third eye opened as did my crown chakra. I received a message (clairaudience) telling me I had been brought to her. A medium told me on the 30/08/2014 while challenging that she had been put in my path to make me what I am today.

Today I know I am a medium, and it seems from my research and what I have experienced in my life and the person I am, that I was born to be one.

This happened in 2012.
Can anyone explain this to me please??

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Eye's activated me
by: Mark

Hello Anne,

Thank you for your comments.

"This may be your destiny or one of your life themes. Do you passionately love being a medium?"

Yes, I can see it is my destiny, research tells me this.
Around six months ago before I realised what I was, I knew I was experiencing psychic phenomena, I watched a you tube video of a medium and said to myself "I want to do this" So when I went to visit a medium I was told was the real thing, and without her knowing anything about me. When she said "do you know you are a medium?" I cried. But I did reply "I thought I maybe, it's why I am here"

I was told first up this woman was in my future and it began to happen 7 months later. But I became scared of what was happening to me.

I have something in me that seems to have gone, but I need to develop it. So I'm studying.
I have a number of medium ship books, and have more in the mail.
I have lost friends and family over this, but I see on a list this will happen.
My whole life is on a list on the net???
Describes my childhood.

I am aware of what life is now, I was suicidal, but now I know I can't really end my life, it is no longer an issue :)

I will get there hopefully in this life :)

Thank you.

Many Possibilites
by: Anna

Hi Mark,
we always attract energetically to others and our experiences as a result of our beliefs, desires and state of being, negative and positive. So there' s always more going on subconsciously.

This may be your destiny or one of your life themes. Do you passionately love being a medium? That's one sure way of knowing that it's your path to continue.

The encounter you had with the lady's eyes activation may have been a subconscious desire? Your own focusing on pondering the questions you want answers to will be revealed to you and the correct answer will resonate.

There are evolved beings with highly advanced abilities that can manifest and even change their physical appearances in ways of being a service to humanity, example, ascended beings.

Hope this helps,

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