Higher-self and Divine Intelligence

by Kurt Newman
(Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Is our higher-self connected to Divine Intelligence? If so, how do we communicate with Divine Intelligence?

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Observing and Going into the Silence
by: Anna

Hello Kurt, keeping in mind that we really are our higher self, and the only thing that keeps us from our Divine Intelligence of our true self is the ongoing chatter. It is the separation of the outer senses and ego that make it appear as if we are divided among our true divine intelligence source that we really are.

I find when I relax and go into the silence I am open to all possibilities. It is only old past programming or memories that has created the inner chatter that goes on. When going into the silence we tune into what most refer to as the field, which really is the vastness source of Divine Intelligence, which is who we truly are when we create the space by observing 3D reality of sensory data and experiences, including the mind and body.

If you still find it a challenge to relax through slow deep breathing to go into the silence, Joe Dispenza discusses allot about all this, and has also created many great meditations to bring one into a relaxed state to go into the silence.

Also by being consciously aware of what new inspirations and ideas come through to you that feels loving and exciting is another way that communications comes through the Divine Intelligence of our true beingness.

I hope this guidance helps,
love cheers, Anna

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