
by Panzer

I had thought i found a job and that i'd be able to be like everyone else in 2011. Since far before then I had several points in my life where I knew i had forgotten something very important. I've been told my whole life by everyone I come in contact with that I'm extremely different than other people.

Towards the end of 2011 I got a pain in my chest, and i could no longer work the job that I felt like I needed to be normal. In time I would come to realize that deep down even though it was fun, that job was wrong and would not benefit my body and soul like I wanted. From October of that year to now I have learned why I'm experiencing the near 24/7 pain. I went to quite a few doctors but I couldn't help knowing that they didn't know what was wrong with me. Until now I had always been active and happy, always willing to help someone and barely got sick. I thank you for posting all of this information because this is one gathering of information that I have come across since that day back in 2011 told me exactly what I needed to know when I needed to know it.

I'm being guided, picking up bits and pieces here and there and I have realized something far too profound to verbalize. My DNA activation is far from complete and that means still living with this pain. But I can confidently say with a beaming smile, that the future, is going to be beyond belief. Thank you for this website. And to my soul-mate, I don't know where you are yet, but I'm searching the universe for you.


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Transformational Changes
by: Anna

Hi Panzer, you are seeing allot through hindsight that being and feeling different, “not normal” is part of the awakening/enlightening evolving journey, and it’s because we are on the path of the future and change, making more unknown known.

I went through that for a long time too until my perception changed and unity starts to be realized. Then integration begins and you will realize that you and all of us on this path are really making the footprints and pathways for future generations too. This is like the upside of not fitting in to realizing we fit in just in different beneficial ways.

As you realize now that your body is going through changes and has for quite awhile of you experiencing the pain in your chest from upgraded DNA changes. I just wanted to mention to be aware that sometimes we can also get stuck in the pain because though we go through and experiences DNA changing symptoms it’s very easy to get stuck because when we are in any type of pain for too long it also is recording the experience over and over too.

Though there’s no sure time length it takes, because everyone is unique on how long they go through these changes. I have found from my experiences that for some of my symptoms I stayed longer in them than I needed too. Especially since you have already expressed such confidence, love and greatness for your future, it sounds like you have already activated the higher DNA.

So you can use these pains and symptoms as a major blessed opportunity to override the pain and activate the balancing by deep relaxed breathing and imagining that everything in your body is harmonizing and balancing to feeling better. Within a couple of months (this is an approximate time) the pain will disappear and new feelings and experiences will be experienced, one is you feel your heart area expand with a great unified love. Then that expanded unified love will also attract to energize your compatible desired soul mate too. If you haven’t checked out the page on DNA Transformation, there’s more about that on it.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, Anna

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