by Panzer
I had thought i found a job and that i'd be able to be like everyone else in 2011. Since far before then I had several points in my life where I knew i had forgotten something very important. I've been told my whole life by everyone I come in contact with that I'm extremely different than other people.
Towards the end of 2011 I got a pain in my chest, and i could no longer work the job that I felt like I needed to be normal. In time I would come to realize that deep down even though it was fun, that job was wrong and would not benefit my body and soul like I wanted. From October of that year to now I have learned why I'm experiencing the near 24/7 pain. I went to quite a few doctors but I couldn't help knowing that they didn't know what was wrong with me. Until now I had always been active and happy, always willing to help someone and barely got sick. I thank you for posting all of this information because this is one gathering of information that I have come across since that day back in 2011 told me exactly what I needed to know when I needed to know it.
I'm being guided, picking up bits and pieces here and there and I have realized something far too profound to verbalize. My DNA activation is far from complete and that means still living with this pain. But I can confidently say with a beaming smile, that the future, is going to be beyond belief. Thank you for this website. And to my soul-mate, I don't know where you are yet, but I'm searching the universe for you.
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