Our Heart is Our Most Powerful Organ

Our heart, our magnificent organ is the most important and powerful organ in our body. In the past it was described as an organ to pump blood flow to other parts of our body. Now from all the research and experiences we know that it’s not only keeps us alive by pumping blood but it fuels our emotions into feelings that results in creating our reality. Whatever the emotion, it becomes felt and fueled by our magnificent organ.

Let Love Be the Rhythm of Your Heartbeat

Love will always be of the highest benefit for everything because love is all powerful and when we resonate love thoughts with emotions our precious organ will be generating the highest of feelings in the most potential rhythm for everything. When we sustain to be in the state of love, our precious organ will create the blood to flow without pressured constriction. Affecting our bodies and our creations in every way.

Feedback is what we use that let’s us know how we are doing in our lives and how our body is responding as a result. Our magnificent organ gives us the feedback to know how we are feeling and how we are feeling is our feedback to know what we are choosing, aware or not aware of our thinking. Whatever we are feeling we can change it by changing our thoughts and our heart generates the feelings. So we can see it as a loop that can sustain to keep us aware and conscious of how we are thinking that becomes our reactions to our environment.

Openly Relaxed or Closed and Restricted

Our magnificent organ is never really closed or open literally, it’s always pumping blood and generating emotions into feelings continuously. However it has been coined as open or closed giving it the definition of how we are reacting or responding. In other words, closed to mean we are not expanding our self in allowing pure genuine love to flow easily, just as stress can also restrict the blood flow. If one is fearful of love then they keep themselves distant from others or any potential for relationships. Just as staying stressed perpetuates pressure by restricting the blood flow.

Being open is inviting love in any form, allowing emotions to be felt and expressed easily compared to what’s referred to as being closed when we keep our love suppressed or restricted. Tolly Burkan explains it so exuberantly in his opening our heart article in case you missed it on another page in the website. Being open in love has all the benefits of sustaining or returning our bodies back to it's loving state of harmony. Then all of our body cells communicate and function its harmony with an open love emotion into feeling. It only takes an instant to trigger ourselves back into a disharmonious state of being when we fall back into any negative emotions that we feel for a long time.

When we feel any pain in our heart, its the indication communicating to us in the only way it can to get our attention. We can then change the way we have been reacting, whether its to another or anything in our environment, the pain is the signal for us to change our thoughts. When we do our body will harmonize the cells to flow and our amazing organ release the pressure of restriction. Pain goes away. Nothing ever attacks us, its our reactions that create the feelings that creates the pressure of restriction on our magnificent organ. Then the restricted blood flow causes havoc in more areas in our body if its sustained long enough without any positive or loving changes.

Heart's Electromagnetic Field

Research has been going on for decades and the HeartMath Institute has the most informative data of information and research showing that our heart has an magnetic electrical field that extends several feet externally from our bodies, it has its own brain too. What may seem invisible to us really has quite the powerful affect. It directly affects not only our physical body but also everything externally too. Its generating coherent rhythm is so powerful and the reason its so beneficial that we notice what and how we choose to think about because its affecting how our precious magnificent organ will function. It is also how we can distant heal by thought and electromagnectic vibrational frequency that we are all invisibly yet powerfully connected.

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